This past Monday, we sadly had to put our beloved Ernie to sleep. Over the course of the past couple weeks we noticed that he wasn't the same. Two weeks ago we were at the the emergency vet on a Saturday night. After numerous tests, they were not quite sure what was wrong with him. The following day we went to our vet and after another round of tests and x-rays, they discovered Big Ern was suffering from congestive heart failure and fluid on his lungs and heart. The vet gave us hope that he could make a comeback with numerous meds. We were on board to do whatever it takes. A few days later we realized they were not working and we tossed and turned about what we should do. We took him back in on Monday and after another round of x-rays, the fluid had spread and we realized he wasn't going to come out of this ok.
I remember the day I got him. After calling on an ad in the paper titled, "Free Kittens", my mom and I drove to a home in the country outside of Holland where I fell in love with the little guy. Actually, they told me he was a "she" and that she was the runt. I named her Bella and after my first vet visit they asked what his name was?!?! I quickly changed it to Ernie and 11 years later, 23 pounds later (so much for the runt), I am writing about this fur ball that I miss so dearly.
May he always know how much I loved him. He was my first buddy/pal when I moved to GR and we had a lot of great years.
I love you Ern!
Sorry to hear about Ernie: I've had so put several cats down over the years and it doesn't get easier but I rest in knowing I provided a loving home while they were here. May he rest in a sunny spot.
Oh, Ernie! We'll miss you! Tash, Mark and Zoe
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