Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Someone's been sleeping in my bed......

I couldn't resist snapping some photos this evening of the fellas. Here they are.....note that a certain feline has taken up residence in the spare bedroom (used frequently for naps by any and all with a heartbeat). What is there not to like? Pillows galore, fluffy down comforter, a great view of birds, squirrels, and all other fun creatures that cats love to watch.

Side's a very peaceful place to "rest ones eyes" as well!

This is what I see as I enter the room........Ernie hasn't noticed me yet. Here I go paparazzi mama!

Busted......he sees me!

Mug shot

Back to what I was doing..........

And here is Farlie peeking out the window. Look at those back legs....too cute!

Glamour Shot!

1 comment:

Loretta said...

Those back legs are too cute!!