Wednesday, December 31, 2008


After I got home from work today, I did my usual routine that involves picking up the kitchen, cleaning out the coffee pot from the morning drip, and whatever else I feel the need to tidy up. Yep, I admit it, I'm a bit OCD...but hey, we all have our issues.

So, I go to the bathroom and something caught my eye out the window. I look outside and much to my surprise the neighbor who lives behind me has so eloquently placed a big ole' Coca Cola metal sign behind his garage. In his eyes, it's outta the way. In mine, it's all I see when I look in the back yard! What an eyesore!

Guess it beats metal on cement blocks, right?

1 comment:

leitch family said...

I miss Beth and Jamey!!! Come on snow we're done with this!