I know....I'm terrible at updating the blog. I feel as though every post is an apology to my few followers about my lack of recent postings! Well believe me, there hasn't been too much going on, so please don't hold it much against me. Here are a few shots (completely random) of the past month or so. Everyone likes pictures so here you go!
The recently painted bathroom!

We decorated the Christmas Tree!!
We celebrated Jamey's birthday on 12.19.08 (in the heated garage due to being snowed in) Here are a couple neighbors Krista, Beth and Anna
Our source of heat.....we love spending time outdoors as long as we have some warm gear and a Mr. Heater........what else could you ask for?!?!
Another of the neighbor ladies Krista and Anna

The birthday boy...my handsome husband Jamey!

Jeff, Steve and Jamey........something really funny must have been going on!
Beth and Anna