I know a lot of people consider today just another Hallmark holiday, but it really is a sweet day. It's special to me as it's my Dad's birthday! I called him this morning and he sounded so happy. He was getting ready to take my Mom out for breakfast and he was telling me about this heart necklace he bought her for Valentine's Day. After 37 years of marriage and he continues to shower my Mom.....how lovely is that! How many people do you know that answer the phone, "Good Morning!" Well my Dad does, every day. He has such an amazing outlook on life, it's not only refreshing but so admirable. I have always thought so darn highly of him, it brings tears to my eyes just talking about the guy. So.....here's to my wonderful Dad.....Happy Birthday!
As for the other man in my life, that would be Jamey, the love of my life. He surprised me with a dozen beautiful roses this morning at work in person. What a guy.....do they get much better than this?
Tonight we made shrimp pizza for dinner and it was so good. When we were in Florida, Jamey's mom Jan made this one night. Just take a frozen cheese pizza and doctor it up. I put mushrooms, black olives and shrimp on it. Posting a picture to show you the yumm-ness!
Thanks so much Beth. You are the one that's so special in my life. You've always been my special girl (besides mom......of course:)
You have grown into a beautiful young lady that mom & I both are so proud of. I hope we never take you for granted. You are one of the most thoughful, caring, and beautiful young ladies that I've ever known. Really. I'm so happy that we have such a close friendship. It's a beautiful thing!
I love you. Dad
What an amazing tribute to your father, I know he is extremely proud of you! I love the pics of FL, I wish I was there now not in "Winter Wonderland". I am sure I am posting this in the wrong spot since I have never done this before. You have done a great job with your site and I will add it to my favs.
Talk to you soon,
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